Parish Life and Diary

Parish life and diary

Parish Life

In the parish the following organisations function.

Adults: in Trory Hall unless stated.

Mothers Union meeting on the Second Monday of the months of September - April. Mrs. Rona Watson is the enroling member.

Bowling Club meeting twice a week on Thursdays and Saturdays during the indoor bowls season.

Tuesday Club meet in the small hall beside the church generally on the first Tuesday of the month during the winter. Contact Joan Nelson in Killadeas or Marie McCordick in Trory.

Parish choirs. Trory is under the leadership of Barbara Somerville and sing in unison. Killadeas is under the leadership of Joan Nelson and sing in four part.

Badminton club at 9.00pm. on Tuesday night during the season. Contact the Rector.

Mens society meets informally to organise social events. Contact Will Stevenson in Trory and John Deering in Killadeas. Sea Fishing July 18th and trip to Dublin in November.

Children. We fully apply Safeguarding Trust child protection.

G.F.S. on Tuesday evenings at 7.00pm. Contact Doris Byers.

Sunday School during the school year.

Trory at 10.30am contact Ann Loane

Killadeas at 10.00am contact Rhoda Farrelly

Post Confirmation contact Hazel Allen.


Harvest festival:

Killadeas: Friday 1st October at 8.00pm  & Sunday 3rd October at 10.00am

Trory: Friday 15th October at 8.00pm and Sunday 17th October at 11.30am